Teleworking still popular with employees, despite the risks to their health

Teleworking still popular with employees, despite the risks to their health

What are the effects of hybrid work on employees’ working conditions? The latter respond in a paradoxical way: 92% of them experience their teleworking situation well or very well, but 35% consider that working time is longer remotely than in person, according to the Observatory’s first study. . teleworking, led by the General Union of Executive Engineers and Technicians (Ugict) of the CGT.

This observatory, created in December 2022, brings together scientists (sociologists, psychologists, economists, etc.) and trade unionists, in order to better understand the evolution of the phenomenon by promoting reference work on teleworking and by organizing its own studies.

Its very first questionnaire was distributed on social networks between June and October 2023, and collected 7,800 responses, of which 5,400 were usable. “The sample was adjusted to match the characteristics of the French population and correct selection bias”specifies Emmanuelle Lavignac, member of the Ugict office and survey manager for the polling company Ipsos.

Savings on travel times

The analysis of the answers to the 117 questions makes it possible to establish a composite portrait of the French people concerned by teleworking: it is most likely a female executive or engineer, between 30 and 39 years old, who works in the private sector , in IT, telecommunications or industry. In fact, 77% of survey respondents are managers or engineers (all genders combined), compared to only 15% from intermediate professions.

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If remote working is attractive, it is mainly because it “allows a better balance between professional and personal life” (82%), in particular by allowing savings on travel times – for nine out of ten respondents, this is the main motivation for requesting teleworking – or a break. “Today, particularly among executives, there is great porosity between working time and non-working time. Teleworking is an option that helps them regain control of their working time”comments Caroline Blanchot, general secretary of Ugict.

Employees also benefit from productivity gains, and half of them say they have gained autonomy. “Only 3% of respondents feel monitoreddeclares Caroline Diard, associate professor in HR management at TBS Education and member of the observatory, who focused on the perception of remote management. The few employees affected are those who telework most frequently and whose workload is high. »

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However, they report an increase in the remote workload. This is mainly the case for day rate executives and managers. A third of employees even admit that they allocate the time saved thanks to teleworking… to work. “Employees only manage to optimize unpaid working time. More than half of them say that their company does not evaluate working time or workload, even though it is a legal obligationexplains Emmanuelle Lavignac. 36% benefit from the right to disconnect in their company. »

Open space and “flex office”

These findings are accompanied by fears about health: 31% of practitioners admit to having already worked remotely while sick, without taking time off. “Already since they take fewer breaks and eat less lunch, we can imagine a long-term impact on their health”Judge M.Me Lavignac.

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In a context where companies are trying to perpetuate their teleworking policy – ​​seeing it decline for some – trade unionists are also noticing a “forced reorganization of work spaces”. The implementation of hybrid work is accompanied by a reorganization of their workspace into open space for 26% of respondents, or into “flex office” for 32%, which means that the company offers fewer positions. more work than there are employees.

The conclusions of this observatory allow the union to support its demands, such as a clear accounting of teleworking hours or better coverage of remote costs by employers. In the coming months, qualitative surveys will focus on specific points, notably the impact of teleworking on women or the feeling of isolation perceived by certain teleworkers.

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Mattie B. Jiménez

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