Resumption of traffic at Brest airport, struck by lightning

Resumption of traffic at Brest airport, struck by lightning

Traffic at Brest airport, where the control tower was struck by lightning on Saturday, resumed on Wednesday January 3, announced the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC). “The work undertaken since Sunday, December 31 by the technical teams of the air navigation service (SNA) has enabled the emergency equipment of the control tower to be put back into service” during the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, specifies the DGAC.

“The accessibility of Brest airport has therefore been restored, the scheduled fluidity of commercial traffic has therefore been ensured since this (Wednesday) Morning “added the same source.

Lightning struck the control tower at Brest Bretagne airport during the evening of December 30, 2023, damaging equipment. The resumption of traffic was announced for Tuesday at noon, then for Thursday morning, before finally taking place on Wednesday morning.

Partial return to service of damaged equipment

“The mobilization of air navigation technical teams until late in the evening of Tuesday January 2 allowed the partial return to service of equipment damaged by lightning”pointed out the airport on its website, specifying that the flight schedule had been assured since 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.

The DGAC, however, invites passengers to “contact their airline to find out the status of flight rescheduling”. “The SNA technical teams are continuing operations to repair the control tower equipment as well as replace the main antenna, which will take several days”is added.

Brittany’s leading airport, Brest airport welcomed nearly 800,000 passengers in 2022.

The World with AFP

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Mattie B. Jiménez

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